суббота, 25 октября 2014 г.

Wireless Mixer

_▒▓ ♪♬ Wireless Mixer ♬♩▓▒_
Wireless MIDI mixer controller for your favorite computer music application or DAW. It emulates a real mixer console with many functions using MIDI over WiFi.

■ Multi-touch controls
■ 6×2 (12) channels
■ channel level sliders
■ channel pan sliders
■ channel solo buttons
■ channel mute buttons
■ channel record buttons
■ 3 user knobs per channel
■ 2 user buttons per channel
■ master volume control
■ mixer state load and save
■ last state autoload
■ automatic MIDI apply on load
■ 128 total assignable controls
■ MIDI over WiFi connection
■ rotation animations
■ tablet support
■ free

NOTE: This is NOT a standalone mixer, it is a control surface (MIDI controller) which requires WiFi connection to a computer with installed music program (like for eg: Reason, Fruity Loops, Cubase, Cakewalk, Logic etc) or a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). See "Usage" menu item in application or refer to:


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