First Aid Treatment is a helping guide in wide range of emergency situation.
It provides you good, efficient, effective and simple way of first aid.
It covers topics related to health,emergency levels, treatment, care and attention to the injured, and all accident prevention and emergency treatment and recovery.
It is reliable and easy way to find emergency solutions.
It is divided into 12 main sections.
Each main Section deals with a wide range of situations and divided into relivant sub sections.
Aims of First Aid Treatment
* Preserve life : the overriding aim of all medical care is to save lives and minimise the threat of death.
* Prevent further harm : also sometimes called prevent the condition from worsening, or danger of further injury, this covers both external factors, such as moving a patient away from any cause of harm, and applying first aid techniques to prevent worsening of the condition, such as applying pressure to stop a bleed becoming dangerous.
* Promote recovery : first aid also involves trying to start the recovery process from the illness or injury, and in some cases might involve completing a treatment, such as in the case of applying a plaster to a small wound.
First aid training also involves the prevention of initial injury and responder safety, and the treatment phases. And it is a kit of aid.
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