воскресенье, 28 сентября 2014 г.

Open Anesthesia Self-Study

The OpenAnesthesia Self-Study and Keywords app features three volumes of review questions (dated July 2013, January 2014, and June 2014) from OpenAnesthesia.org's popular "Question of the Day" database, as well as definitions for our most popular keywords. It is a resource for resident anesthesiologists, CRNAs, sRNAs, and physicians in the field who wish to improve their knowledge of basic and advanced concepts using a question-and-answer approach.

Features include:

• Community Performance – statistics showing the percentage of users who chose each response. These statistics are compiled from users' answers to OpenAnesthesia.org's "Question of the Day" feature and the OA Self Study app.
• ABA Keywords can be sorted by category, year in which they appeared on the exam, and by percentage answered correctly
• Related review questions – In the Keywords section, any keyword which appears in a question explanation is identified
• Linked references – In the explanation for each question, references are linked to keywords right in the app, or the in-app browser for article references
• Notes – take notes while you study using the audio or text notes function
• Mark questions as favorites
• Full-text search and built-in dictionary

Each review question has been written by an OpenAnesthesia physician editor and contains a complete explanation of the answer, along with helpful links to keywords and articles in OpenAnesthesia and PubMed. Many articles are linked to related podcasts and videos. The app also allows you to reset your answers and retest yourself, select favorites, and make text or audio notes.

The keywords list includes keywords and phrases from the 2008-2013 ABA in- training exams, followed by the percent of residents in their final year of training who correctly answered the question pertaining to the keyword. Keywords can be sorted by name, category, year and percentage, and most keywords have full definitions.

Content Copyright © 2014 International Anesthesia Research Society, All Rights Reserved


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